Schnucks Scan and Give to Heat-Up
In January Schnucks Scan and Give to Heat-Up was executed in the supermarkets in Missouri and Illinois. The fundraiser is co-sponsored by FOX 2, Y-98 FM, KPLR-TV 11, Suburban Journals and CITI. We also appreciate Charter Cable’s support. During this five-week charity drive, shoppers can scan $5 or $3 donation coupons onto their grocery receipts, totaling any amounts at the check-outs lanes or courtesy desks. Larger donations may be made with a check to Heat-Up St. Louis, c/o UMB Bank, P.O. Box 868, St. Louis, MO 63188 or by going to the donation page on this website for a secured credit card transaction. Thank you, Schnucks and your thoughtful customers!
Rams/Boot Out Old Man Winter and Heat-Up St. Louis: The special FANS collection outside, and inside of the Edward Jones Dome and at tailgate parties was held on Sunday, November 21. Two Hours of Service. We raised at least $10,000. We had about 200 area high school students, firefighters, civic, political volunteers, and media celebrities to show-up appealing to the St. Louis Rams fans, who give from their hearts. Thanks. Can’t attend the game? You can still give, just click here. Just click here.
Shake Our Cans and Cool Down The Seniors fundraiser at Busch this summer will include area volunteers, St. Louis Firefighters, and social service groups, and board members will wear special yellow Cool Down caps and solicit cash in buckets in front of all gates at Busch Stadium by taking donations from Cardinal fans. Also, the charity will use it’s new Cool Down St. Louis Donation tent, so that Cards fans can drop off tax-deductible donations. Also the general public and UMB Bank customers can always drop off their donations to Cool Down St. Louis at all bank locations in Missouri and Illinois. Under the hot sizzling sun, volunteers raised more than $10,000 in small donations, during a three-day period from the generosity of the Cardinals fans. Last year’s fundraiser was held on August 14, 15 and 16 at Busch Stadium. The charity is now accepting year-round, new and good working-used air-conditioners, call 314-241-7668. You can make a special $125.00 tax-deductible donation and Adopt-A-Family by helping us purchase an air-conditioner or paying an electric bill. Also see our donation page for secured credit card donations.