Public Notice of Heat Up St. Louis Disclaimer for Clients/Patients of Heat Up St. Louis, is an all-volunteer, not-profit entity which provides energy assistance through referral social service agencies and has certain requirements for low-income households for utility assistance and it is on a first-come basis. If funds are temporarily unavailable at the referral agencies, request to be placed on a waiting list, but always contact your utility vendor and express your inability to pay.
This summer, while supplies last, we’re only distributing new or slightly used air-conditioners to some referral agencies solely for area seniors and the severely disabled.
We don’t provide units if you already have one working anywhere in the household. We are always sorry to hear when a member of our community is unhappy with their experience with any of the referral agencies. But we’re not responsible if an agency doesn’t return your call or qualify you for assistance.
Our senior hotline at 314-241-0001 is meant to inform and to follow-up with one of the agencies, nearest you. During unreasonable high temperature cycles you may experience a busy 24/7 automated hotline, we urge you to attempt to call us back or the referral agencies, during non-peak times.
All donations made on-line or through our UMB lock-box, etc. will receive a written receipt within 45 days after your gift. If you have a complaint, we urge you to send it to [email protected] attention: Office of the General Counsel/Board Secretary. Please provide a real name to communicate back to, if it is necessary.